Saturday, October 15, 2011

to my teacher: never silenced

my umbilical
cut my tongue
bashed my brain
took them out
when the bullet
them workers of the man
numb the pain
so cut out the wound
that piece of pain
that spoke truth
in the school
reminding youth
that their pain
is not out of the blue
but truth
we feel
cause we
connected to all things
near and far
and them laborers for the man
want to act like we caught
in little boxes
musuem objects
they charge at
the door of the house
they take entrance fees
in order to show
our tricks
our feats

my wounded teachers
dared to speak
in straight jackets
of academics
and they cried
when they lectured
tongue of ancestors
brothers and sisters
continents away
waiting that she
will connect our fire here
to connect their fires there
and burn down
the house
of the man

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