Sunday, April 02, 2006


Free third world nations
From the grip of exploitation
Imperialism, Racism, Sexism
Classism, Capitalism, Feudalism

Free third world nations
As we
Free our minds from
Mental shackles
Of history
Whose story
Where is my story
The other story
Her story
Their story
Can you handle these stories

Of how this country
Was stolen
And across the seas
They rob riches
And say its their own
They build this nation
With hands they think
Not good enough to pay

They dominate the globe
With their words
Other ways to speak
Are minority
In these days of
Increased communication

Feeding children
Supremacist propaganda
Channel their anger
Of struggling communities
Into hate for another
When what is needed is attention
Of how our diverse abilities
Can comprehend the needs
Of multicultural cities
Set us free
From the system that keep us
From organizing economies
That give jobs to people
So they don’t need to leave

Set us free
From the robbing hand
That takes our wealth
So we have nothing to sell
To prosper

Set us free
From the disease
That you began
With your hate
For humanity

Set us free
For we deserve sovereignty
The truth is that we
Must be returned our needs
That have been taken since globalization
Enslaving others
While another has the right to luxury

Set us free

So we can live
And know how to thrive
Without benefiting corruption
But for ourselves and our children
So they can know the way of our ancestors
And love themselves
And see how the color of the skin
Matches the soil
Where the plants grow
And nurtures all of us.

Set us free
So that peace is genuine
Because you fear
The unrest in the streets
Is going to turn your guns
Against you.

Set us free
Because the earth is watching
And breathing angrily
At her children careless
At how we are born from one womb

Forever connected
We are
Black as night
Rests upon the brown of dawn
Eyes open to the yellow sun
Rise with the pink flower
That awaits the red sky
Where it will return to her again

As the wars of a nation
Is the wars within ourselves
Across the world
The vibrations shake foundations
Of civilizations
And Earth is arising
With natural disaster
Reflection of inner turmoil
Breaking through the compartments
Of thinking
Because that way of existing no longer fits
These changes emerging
As people are moving
As landscapes reforming
Fluidity is facilitating
Globalization blending

Set us free
From the chains
Of the old order
And let us live
For the future.

Set us free
To be flexible
To the laws of the universe
As we must be prepared as nothing is set in stone
For that erodes into dust
Which is much more durable
according to where the wind blows

Set us free
Set us free
Set us free
From archaic missions
Centralized intentions
Set us free

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